On Monday, I finally colored eggs for Easter. The years when I color eggs are the best! I was late this year. But I'm glad I did it. I love coloring Easter eggs.
I love the colors. I love mixing the all the food coloring into hot water and watching the cups all light up with the intensity of the hues.
There is such anticipation, such suspense in those cups. I love seeing all those vibrant colors lined up on the counter, waiting. I love dipping plain white eggs into my old teacups, full of brightness, and waiting to see how those eggs transform.
And what a transformation!! Those which went in white come out sky blue, deep purple, blood red, soft pink. Some are green, some sunshine yellow. There are brights and pastels, solids and patterns. So many colors, so many variations! They look so good, I always wonder why we only color eggs once a year... why not enjoy them the rest of the year, too?
We love the process. We dip, or we color with a crayon and then dip, or we dip part of the egg in one color and another part in a different color. We make Humpty Dumpties, and night sky scenes, and simple landscapes. We stripe and we polka-dot. There are never enough eggs to satiate everyone's creativity, but always more than enough to satisfy our hunger, for what seems like forever. Sometimes I have to finish off the last few eggs with a multi-colored egg salad, with speckles of red, blue and green where the color seeped through the shells. At that point, it's less than appetizing.
But it's worth it for the fun.
I also love the symbolism: we dip a plain egg and it comes out different, beautiful, changed. Like resurrection. We too, will be changed one day when we are resurrected. We will have new bodies, and they will be wonderful. Coloring the eggs makes a nice analogy.
So - did you color eggs this year? How do you celebrate Easter? Do you have a big Easter dinner? We forgo that because the day is full enough already, and I prefer to simplify it. When it works out, I serve hard boiled eggs (colored, of course) and hot-cross buns for breakfast. That's all. How about you?
Gratitude list additions:
98. Coloring eggs for the sheer fun of it
99. Pretty food
100. The truth of the resurrection of Christ
101. Looking forward to our own resurrection
102. and the reunion we will have with people we love who have gone on before
103. Seeing Christ himself then!! Face to Face!!That will be something amazing!
104. Sensing His immense love for us as we stand before Him