Monday, September 20, 2010

new joys. constantly.

429. ripe, sweet pear, brought fresh this morning from the farmer's market, juicy goodness glistening in the sun

430. the luxury of a pedicure

431. bright pink nail polish

432. fresh paint, making a room new

433. subscriptions to online comics bringing me smiles every day

434. seeing a friendly dog downtown that reminded me of The Never Ending Story.

(She looks kind of like that big white friendly creature in the movie, doesn't she?)

435. Learning together with my midwifery sister-students. There is something special about being with these women. Hanging out with them nourishes my soul.

436. Adirondack chairs right outside my door, waiting for the break when I take a cup of tea, or a tall glass of water, and rest a few minutes

437. warm breezes after a run of fall-cool days. This feels better!

438. street musicians spreading music and good will all through the neighborhood


  1. I love this life you live! So beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  2. Jay, I love this life too! It has joys and it has tough spots, just like life everywhere. There is beauty and there is junk. Every once in a while I think it's good to focus on the beauty, the joys, the things that make me want to say, "Thank You". btw - thank you for your blog, which I discovered recently. Good stuff in there!


Thanks,I love your comments!