Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Life gets heavy sometimes. And when it does I tend to curl up and ponder. I do well when I ponder the problem while looking to God's Word for answers, not so well when I ponder the problem and stay right there. Just looking at it first one way and then another, wrestling with it and getting tied up with it.

In those times I end up all curled up around the problem, and focused on it, believing I want a solution, but not looking to the Solution. I forget the basics.

So today, I said out loud (and by "out loud" I mean I posted it on Facebook, right where the whole world could see it, or at least certain friends of all walks who I have allowed access to this window into my life) I said I needed wisdom from God. Not just "some" wisdom, but a "truckload" of wisdom! In fact, a "huge truckload!" I said.

Yes, I put that right out there on Facebook.

And I got a response. From someone who knows me well. He reminded me that if I needed wisdom, I could ask for it, and that no matter how much I ask for, God will give that and more! It's right there in James 1:5.

Oh, yeah! The basics! I have heard that verse so many times, but I was not thinking about it today as I wrestled with how to respond to a challenging situation... I only knew how desperately I needed the wisdom that only God can provide.

Sometimes I love that Facebook!

The next thought to cross my mind was that sometimes, even though I do know that God will provide wisdom, it seems so long in coming. And you know what? Right in the same passage, the very verse above, it says, "Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and whole, lacking nothing."

Oh, yeah! Patience! It doesn't have to be obvious right now to be real!

So then. If I have asked, then I can be sure that the solution will be evident WHEN IT IS NEEDED! At the right time. My job is to ask God for wisdom and then to be patient. His job -- His promise -- is to give me the wisdom I need. Generously. At the right time.

Ok, I can rest now.

And untie myself from the knot I was getting into.

Do you hear me breathing a sigh?

Yeah. For real.

1 comment:

  1. lately, I've been told that I don't need the answer to all my questions today that it's ok to just sit and wait for the answer.

    I got that from another blogger. God bless the internet


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